
ALL of your Home Health Aide Questions Answered!


Last year OCHCH started a NEW Virtual Aide Training program that allows you to hire someone without training, put them through our guided program, and then get them in rotation within just a couple of weeks. While this program won’t exactly solve your workforce issues by itself, it could significantly REDUCE your training costs!

Over the past few months we have seen a tremendous success rate with those agencies and individuals who have chosen to participate in our Virtual Aide Training program. For your benefit I have listed below some FAQ’s about the program in order to help you better judge if this program is right for your agency.

1. Question: Does this program meet CMS regulations for an HHA?

Answer: Yes, this program meets all CMS requirements for an HHA.

2. Question: Does OCHCH certify the HHA or the agency?

Answer: This program is meant to be a guided program where the participating agencies selected RN oversees the program and HHA participants and OCHCH provides the testing materials, live instruction, and on-demand learning. In summary, each aide will watch all assigned classes through RCTC Learn, attend the live classes for 2 full days, take the written exam on day 3, then be turned over to the agency to provide orientation to include demonstration/ proficiency of required skills using materials provided by OCHCH.

3. Question: How do agencies sign up to become a part of the HHA Virtual Aide Training Program?

Answer: There are 2 ways to sign up and utilize the HHA Virtual Aide Training Program.

  1. Sign up for the All Access Education Pass for 2022. This will give your agency unlimited use of the HHA Virtual Aide Training Program and unlimited use of RCTC Learn. The pass also includes unlimited attendance for all other OCHCH education except the Annual Conference for your agency.
  2. Purchase RCTC Learn then register and pay for each HHA individually to attended the monthly 16 hour live instruction. Testing and skill demonstration documentation will be sent once you have registered for the 16 hour live instruction course.

At OCHCH we are committed to continue finding new ways to add value to your membership. We believe this new Aide Training Program will be a tremendous resource to you and your team moving forward.

If you want more information just fill out the form below!